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Friday, January 3, 2014

Reigi Saho [礼儀作法]

The characters/ideograms mean "etiquette; courtesy (Dojo Customs / Courtesy / Respect)." The first character means, "salute; bow; ceremony; thanks; remuneration," the second character means, "ceremony; rule; affair; case; a matter," the third character means, "make; production; prepare; build," the fourth character means, "method; law; rule; principle; model; system."

The fundamental essence that is reigi saho in the discipline of karate is that one who takes up the practice must embrace the concepts of karate beginning and ending with courtesy. To do so it is important that the practitioner learn about the customs and beliefs of karate and that means the people of Okinawan, especially those who teach, practice and train in budo karate. 

An Okinawan karate dojo begins and ends said training and practice with courtesy, respect and proper etiquette being lived, breathed and displayed (character; courteousness; sincerity). This is reigi saho. 

Thinking bout reigi saho one must consider where they derive it. For a karate-ka and for the sake of a traditional way of practice and training it might best serve to focus on Okinawan etiquette, courtesy and respect they display both in and out of the dojo. Even the more modern versions of karate must adhere to some form of etiquette, courtesy and respect that is reflected in and out of the dojo in all the karate-ka does, says and lives. 

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